Throne of Glass SERIES – Sarah J. Maas

Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

So this post is going to be different from my previous reviews. I have recently been in a major reading slump. I decided to reread the Throne of Glass Series by Sarah J. Maas because it is my favorite series (besides Harry Potter…obviously) and I knew it would get me out of my slump. I also wanted to reread this series because the finale, Kingdom of Ash, is coming out in October. So instead of posting a review for each book in the series as I read them, I am going to do one post on the entire Throne of Glass Series up to Kingdom of Ash. Warning…my reviews get progressively longer with each book. The last two books’ sections also have a lot more recap in them. I really need to rein in my thoughts, but I just love this series so much. And I included an absurd amount of favorite quotes for each book…but I blame Sarah J. Maas and her incredible writing for that :). Also, I really need to come up with a different word than love, but I can’t help it because I love it all so much!!

This review will also contain spoilers. Please do not read further if you want to avoid spoilers!!

First, and perhaps most important…I would like to say that Sarah J. Maas is a queen and she is a gift to all of us. SJM is an exceptional writer with a gift of creating fantastic and beautiful worlds. She is at the top of my list of favorite authors.

Now onto the books!!

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